We have several users asking for similar customisations. So here are collated CSS customisations.
You need to add the code part for each of the below option in WP Admin -> Appearance -> Customise -> Custom CSS.
Remove in course block 1
1. Remove star rating
.block.courseitem .block_content .star-rating{ display:none; }
2. Remove students
.block.courseitem .block_content .instructor_course+strong{ display:none; }
Remove in course block 2
1. Remove star rating and reviews
.block.courseitem.course2 .block_content .star-rating{ display:none; }
2. Remove students
.block.courseitem.course2 .block_content .star-rating+strong{ display:none; }
Remove on single course page
1. Remove Reviews
2. Remove Star rating
#buddypress div#item-header div#item-meta, #course-list .item-meta .star-rating{ display:none; }
3. Remove students
#buddypress div#item-header div#item-meta .students{ display:none; }
4. Remove Instructor
.single-course #item-admins{display:none;}
5. Remove students taking the course
6. Remove Breadcrumbs