You need a child theme for this, because BuddyPress overwrites the dynamic sidebar functionality in WordPress. Grab the blank child theme from forums.

1. Create a new sidebar in the sidebar manager in options panel, called mysidebar

2. In the child theme, create a course folder.

Copy the course/index.php file from parent theme and paste it in child theme folder.

Locate this code in the index.php file in child them :

PHP Code:


                    $sidebar = apply_filters('wplms_sidebar','buddypress',get_the_ID());
                    if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')|| !dynamic_sidebar($sidebar) ) : ?>
                   <?php endif; ?>


change it to :

PHP Code:


                    if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')|| !dynamic_sidebar('mysidebar') ) : ?>
                   <?php endif; ?>