You can add custom Classes to courses in course directory using this simple tip and using this class courses can be hidden from course directory.

1. Go to WP Admin -> Plugins -> Editor -> WPLMS Customizer->wplms_customizer.php

2. Add this code in __construct function:




3. Add this code in class:


function hide_expired_courses($class,$course_id){
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
    $check = get_user_meta($user_id,$course_id,true);
    if(isset($check) && is_numeric($check)){
      if($check < time()){
        $class .=' expired_course';
  return $class;


4. Now go to WP Admin -> Appearance -> customise -> Custom CSS and add this code :


#buddypress ul.item-list li.expired_course{display:none;}


Refer screenshots for reference :