#1 Remove Course Price

0. Install the WPLMS Customizer plugin
1. Go to following location : Wp admin -> Plugins -> editor -> wplms customizer -> customizer_class.php
2. Add the following line in the _construct function:




3. Now add the following function in the class:


function custom_wplms_course_details_widget($course_details){
 $key = 'price'; // Set $key value from price,precourse,time,level,seats,badge,certificate
return $course_details;


#2 Remove Course Duration

0. Install the WPLMS Customizer plugin
1. Go to following location : Wp admin -> Plugins -> editor -> wplms customizer -> customizer_class.php
2. Add the following line in the _construct function:





3. Now add the following function in the class:


function remove_wplms_course_details_widget($course_details){
 $key = 'time'; // Set $key value from price,precourse,time,level,seats,badge,certificate
return $course_details;