Note the student ids, assume 2,3,4 for below example. Replace these ids with your own custom user ids. User IDs can be obtained for users from WP Admin -> Users section.
Add this code in Child theme functions.php or WPLMS Customiser -> Wplms_customiser.php
Remove the function from the hook which checks for start course date.
add_action('init','wplms_check_special_students'); function wplms_check_special_students(){ if( is_user_logged_in()){ $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $allowed_user_ids = array(2,3,4); if(in_array($user_id,$allowed_user_ids)){ remove_filter('wplms_take_course_page','vibe_course_time_check',10,2); } } }