Add this code in WPLMS child theme - functions.php or WPLMS customizer - wplms_customizer.php

STEP 1 : Add a Multi - information field in Course settings metabox


function wplms_custom_course_details_repeatable($metabox){
	$metabox['vibe_course_details'] = array(
			'label'	=> __('Custom Course details','vibe-customtypes'), // <label>
			'desc'	=> __('custom course details.','vibe-customtypes'), // description
			'id'	=> 'vibe_course_details', // field id and name
			'type'	=> 'repeatable', // type of field
	        'std'   => ''
	return $metabox;


STEP 2 : Display this information in Course details.



function wplms_custom_course_details_information($details){
	$custom_info = vibe_sanitize(get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'vibe_course_details',false));
	if(isset($custom_info) && is_array($custom_info)){
		foreach($custom_info as $k=>$val){
			$details[]='<li><i class="icon-plus-1"></i> '.$val.'</li>';
	return $details;