We recommend all users requiring Translation to use this plugin.

Here's how you can get started with Loco Translate plugin :

1. Go to WP Admin -> Plugins -> Add New
2. Search for plugin "Loco Translate"

3. Install and Activate the plugin.
4. After Activation locate WP Admin -> Loco Translate

5. Go to Loco translate->manage translation in left hand menu to start translating.

6.Click on +new language and follow the screen prompts.

7. When you click on +new language then a prompt opens asking for selecting the common language or enter the language code.

8.Always select create in global directory.

9. After this Select your Preferred Language 

10.Select the Text for translating and write the translation of it in context section.

11. After adding the translations click on Save and then Download the PO file by clicking on PO button .

12. Click on MO button to generate MO file.

12.Go to the Front-end and see the Reflected Changes in your website.

Protecting translation files from Update :
1. Go to Loco Translate->Translation Options

2. Backup translation files by Translation options->Backing Up PO Files
2. After backing up, update the theme and plugins.
4. Now, go to WP Admin -> Loco Translate->Translation Option and restore the Translation File

You can Download This plugin from here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/